Rate Strategies

Rate strategies help users to define how to sell rooms throughout the year at the property. Once the user identifies the property’s selling patterns, they can create a competitive rate structure for the property by setting up rate strategies.

Rate strategies allow users to divide guest pricing into different tiers or blocks, and then determine what the rate will be for a given day when the strategy is associated to a date on the rate calendar.

For example, some properties may have defined seasonal selling patterns (winter, spring, summer, and fall). Others may experience a peak and off-peak selling season. In the diagram below, the model for how to associate a rate plan to rate strategies is on the left. On the right, users can see how the fictional Casillas Inn mapped a BAR rate plan to a Peak and Off Peak rate strategy. (Base is the default rate strategy.) By doing so, a guest booking a King room at Peak season will pay a higher rate than if they book during Off Peak season at the Casillas Inn:

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