
AR Disputes Report

The AR Disputes Report allows users to track all the charges that are marked as Disputed and the disputed charges that have been resolved in the invoices that are in Open and Closed status, and from the Non-Invoiced Charges section of the A/R account.

Perform the following steps to generate the report:

Navigate to Reports à Dynamic Reports à Accounting à AR Disputes

Refer to the following table and fill in the fields.



Report Name

AR Disputes

Start Date

  • The start date from which the report must be generated, based on the charge posting date of the disputed charges.

  • By default, the current property date is displayed.

  • Users can select any date in the past to view the disputes that are available on the past dates.

End Date

  • The end date up to which the report must be generated based on the charge posting date of the disputed charges.

  • By default, the current property date is displayed.

  • Users can select any date in the past to view the disputes that are available on the past dates.

  • Future dates cannot be selected.

  • The maximum duration between the start and end dates is 6 months.

AR Account

  • Users can select the AR accounts for which the report must be generated.

  • This is a multi-select drop-down list that displays all the AR accounts available at the property irrespective of its status.

Disputes Available In

This is a multi-select drop-down list that allows users to select the sections from the disputed charges to be included in the report. Users can select from the following options:

  • Non-Invoiced: Users can select this option if the disputes in non-invoiced charges are to be included in the report.

  • Open Invoices: Users can select this option if the disputes in open invoice charges are to be included in the report.

  • Closed Invoices: Users can select this option if the disputes in closed invoice charges are to be included in the report.

Dispute Status

This is a multi-select drop-down list that allows users to filter the disputes based on its status. Users can select from the following options:

  • All Disputes: When selected, all the disputes (both disputed and resolved disputes) are included in the report.

  • Disputed: When selected, only the charges in Disputed status are included in the report.

  • Dispute Resolved: When selected, only the charges in Dispute Resolved status are included in the report.

Click Run to generate the report.

Click Save to save the report under User Favorites section.

Sample Report

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Report Fields

This report displays the following fields:



AR Account

Displays the account name of the AR account under which the disputed charges are posted. Users can search and filter records using this column.

Account #

Displays the account ID of the account. For example, for reservations, the confirmation ID of the reservation is displayed. Users can search and filter records using this column.

Account Name

Displays the account name of the account under which the disputed charges are posted. For example, AR account, group, or reservations.

Account Type

Displays the type of the account under which the charges are available. For example, AR account, group, or reservations. Users can search and filter records using this column.

Dispute ID

This is a random number that is generated to group the items marked as Disputed or Dispute Resolved.

Transaction Item

Displays the name of the transaction item that was marked as Disputed or Dispute Resolved. Users can search and filter records using this column.

Disputed Original Charge

Displays the original amount of the disputed charge.

Current Status

Displays the status of the dispute, that is, Disputed or Dispute Resolved. Users can filter records using this column.

Dispute In

Indicates the section in which the charges are marked as Disputed or Dispute Resolved. For example, Non-Invoiced, Open Invoices, or Closed Invoices. Users can filter records using this column.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the Open Invoices or Closed Invoices in which the disputed charges are available. Users can search records using this column.

Invoice Status

Displays the status of the invoice, that is, Open, Closed, or Modified. Users can filter records using this column.

Dispute Status

Displays the status of the disputes. Users can filter records using this column.

Comment/Resolution Reason

Displays the comment entered for every update made to the disputed charge. For example, when the disputed charges are resolved directly, or when the charges are adjusted and resolved, the reason entered is tracked in this column.

Created/Updated At

Displays the date and time when each update was made to the disputed charges. Users can search and filter records using this column.


Displays the username of the user who made updates to the disputed charges.

Adjustment Type

When charges are adjusted before resolving the dispute, the type of the adjustment performed is displayed in this column, that is, Guest Satisfaction, or Posted Incorrectly. Users can filter records using this column.


When charges are adjusted before resolving the dispute, the amount adjusted is displayed in this column in the following format: + (the amount increased to the charge), or – (the amount decreased from the charge).

Revised Charge

When charges are adjusted before resolving the dispute, the final amount after adjustment is displayed in this column.