Charging No-Show Fees for Reservations

Stay allows users to configure No-Show Policies at the property to charge no-show fees to reservations that are marked as No-Show on date roll.

Feature Setting

The following new feature setting must be enabled to allow users to configure No-Show Policies:

  • Name: No Show Policy to charge No show fee during date roll

  • Value: Must be enabled

  • Comments: License is not required

When the feature setting is enabled, users must mandatorily choose a no-show policy when creating/modifying and cloning rate plans, packages, and groups created for guest/company/travel agent profiles.

Users can configure a new no-show policy in the No Show Policies section of the Policies and Codes screen (All Settings à Reservations à Policies & Codes).

The default policy selected by the users is applied to all existing rate plans/packages and groups that do not have a no-show policy mapped.