Early Departure Fee for Reservations

Stay allows users to charge an Early Departure Fee for reservations that depart prior to their scheduled departure date. The early departure fee is calculated based on the Early Departure Policy associated with the rate plan or package.

Feature Setting

  • Name: Early Departure Fee

  • Value: Must be enabled

  • Comments: License is not required


  • Stay_ManageEarlyDeparturePolicy: Users with this permission can add or modify the early departure policies. By default, this permission is assigned to users with access to the following roles:

    • System Administrator

    • Stay Hotel Manager

    • Department Manager

    • Stay Hotel Supervisor

    • Stay Accounting

  • Stay_OverrideEarlyDepartuePolicy: Users with this permission can override and change the early departure policy that associated with a reservation. By default, this permission is assigned to users with access to the following roles:

    • System Administrator

    • Stay Hotel Manager

    • Department Manager

    • Stay Front Desk

    • Stay Hotel Supervisor

    • GSA Supervisor

    • Stay Accounting