Extending Reservation & Increasing Authorization Amount

The feature allows the user to extend the stay for the reservation and increase the authorization amount.

Navigate to Reservations à Search.

Select the reservation.

Click the checkout date and set the new checkout date to extend the reservation, the Reservation Summary panel.

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Click Save to modify and extend the reservation.

Select the room types for the extension in stay for the extended days in the Modify Stay pop-up screen.

Click Modify Room at the bottom right corner of the Modify Stay pop-up screen.

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Click Yes in the Modify Stay prompt to proceed with the modification.

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If there is an increase in the authorization amount, the Change Authorized Amount pop-up screen will be displayed.

Verify the new authorization amount and change the amount if required.

Click Save to change the authorization amount.

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The changed Authorized Amount will be displayed in the Payment Methods section.

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