Reservation Enhancements and Modifications

Checking In a Guest

Check-in can be performed from a couple of screens. The check-in points include the Book as Walk-In option in the Book Reservation pop-up screen or by searching and navigating to the reservation details (Reservations à Search à Reservations).

Scroll to the Currently Selected Room section.

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Click Select under Room Number to enter a room number.

Refer to the Other Matching Rooms section for the available room numbers. Alternatively, refer to the Recommended Upgrades section for any available upgrade options.

Click the Check-In button at the bottom of the screen to proceed with the check-in.

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Complete the payment in the Process Payment pop-up screen to confirm the check-in.

Once after check-in, the room number is displayed prominently at the top of the reservation screen.

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When room types are changed for a reservation, the modification indicator denotes the room type change for the reservation. The feature setting named Room Type Update Indicator must be enabled for the indicator to display.

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Users can undo the reservation check-in by clicking the Undo Checkin button.

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