Process Nightly Upgrade Awards through ACRS

Stay is enhanced to allow eligible guests to request a room type upgrade, for reservations created in Stay, before check-in. This request for a room type upgrade is referred to as the Nightly Upgrade Award. The request is communicated from Stay and processed in ACRS. Based on the status of the processed request communicated to Stay from ACRS, an indicator is displayed in the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge in the Reservation Summary section of reservations.

The indicator helps users to easily identify reservations for which a room type upgrade has been requested by guests. A nightly upgrade award request cannot be processed for reservations after they are checked in.

Property Setting

The Display Nightly Upgrade Award in Reservation flag in the Setup tab of the Loyalty Programs screen (All Settings à General à Loyalty Programs) must be enabled to display the status of the Nightly Upgrade Award request in reservations.

Contact Agilysys to enable this feature for the property.

Request Room Type Upgrade

A notification is sent from Stay to ACRS when a reservation is created in Stay. The reservation details are validated in ACRS to determine if the guest associated with the reservation is eligible for a room type upgrade. The guests eligible for an upgrade are notified about the upgrade through an email. An eligible guest can request for a room type upgrade before the reservation is checked in. This request is communicated from Stay and processed in ACRS and the following status of the processed request sent from ACRS to Stay is displayed in the Reservation Summary section of reservations.

  • Requested

  • Approved

  • Denied

Nightly Upgrade Award Badge

The Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge is displayed in reservations when a room type upgrade is requested by a guest for a reservation before check-in. This badge is displayed only when the Display Nightly Upgrade Award in Reservation flag is enabled.

The following statuses will be displayed in the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge:

  • NUA Requested: When a room type upgrade is requested, the label of the badge will be displayed as NUA(R). When users hover over the badge, the text, Requested, will be displayed.

  • NUA Approved: When a room type upgrade is approved, the label of the badge will be displayed as NUA(A). When users hover over the badge, the text, Approved, will be displayed.

  • NUA Denied: When a room type upgrade is denied, the label of the badge will be displayed as NUA(D). When users hover over the badge, the text, Denied, will be displayed.

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When the upgrade request is approved for the guest and the reservation’s room type is upgraded, the upgraded room type will be sent as comments from ACRS and displayed in the Comments tab (Reservation à Comments section à Comments tab) of the reservation with the comment type set as General. The severity sent for the comment from ACRS will be displayed.

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Modify Reservations with Room Type Upgrades

The Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge will remain enabled for reservations with an upgraded room type when the following actions are performed:

  • When the reservation’s duration of stay is shortened.

  • When the reservation’s rate plan is modified but the room type remains the same.

The Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge will be removed from reservations with an upgraded room type when the following actions are performed:

  • When the reservation is marked as Cancelled/No Show after the room type upgrade request is requested/approved/denied.

  • When the reservation is associated with a different guest profile after the room type upgrade request is requested/approved/denied.

Create Records in Guest Stay History Section

When a room type upgrade request is approved for a guest, the Nightly Upgrade Award Approved icon will be displayed next to the reservation confirmation ID in the Guest Stay History section of guest profiles. This icon is displayed for the applicable reservations in the Current, Future, and Past tabs. When users hover over the icon, the text, Nightly Upgrade Award, will be displayed.

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Create Records in Audit Log Screen

A record is created in the Audit Log screen (Reports à Audit Log) that captures the username, date, and time when the following actions are performed:

  • When the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge is enabled for a reservation.

  • When the status of the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge is modified.

  • When the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge is removed from a reservation.

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Create Records in Reservation History Section

A record is created in the Reservation History section of reservations that captures the username, date, and time when the following actions are performed:

  • When the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge is enabled for a reservation.

  • When the status of the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge is modified.

  • When the Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA) badge is removed from a reservation.

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Track Room Type Upgrades in Reports

A new column, Nightly Upgrade Award, has been added to the Reservations report (Dynamic), and Arrivals report (Dynamic). This column is displayed only when the Display Nightly Upgrade Award in Reservation flag is enabled. This column displays the status of the Nightly Upgrade Request. This column is left blank when a room type upgrade is not requested by a guest.

Users can filter records using this column. The Nightly Upgrade Award column will be displayed when the reports are printed, exported, saved, and emailed to guests through a scheduler.

System Changes

To support this enhancement, the following changes have been made:

  • A new badge, Nightly Upgrade Award (NUA), has been introduced.

  • A new flag, Display Nightly Upgrade Award in Reservation, has been added to the Setup tab of the Loyalty Programs screen (All Settings à General à Loyalty Programs).

  • A new column, Nightly Upgrade Award, has been added to the Reservations report (Dynamic), and Arrivals report (Dynamic).