Stay - Comtrol Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the Stay - Comtrol integration:

  • Users can perform an account lookup in Comtrol and post charges to accounts in Stay using the following new fields:

    • First and last name of a guest profile

    • Guest profile ID of the guest profile

    • Confirmation ID of the reservation

    • Member ID of the loyalty program associated with the guest profile

    • Group name

    • Group code

  • When a charge is posted from Comtrol to an account in Stay, the status of the posted charge will be sent in the response sent from Stay to Comtrol.

  • When the first name or last name of a guest profile is modified, the language associated with the profile will be sent from Stay to Comtrol. The following languages are supported:

    • English

    • Spanish

    • French

    • Italian

    • Japanese

    • Slovenian

    • German

    • Russian

  • When an undo check-out is performed for a reservation in Stay, Comtrol is notified and the voicemail for the phone station in the room will be reactivated when the following conditions are satisfied:

    • The guest is checked back into the same room

    • The room is not occupied by a different guest

The voicemail will not be reactivated for the phone station if the guest is checked into a different room.

  • The tip amount posted to an account from a POS system through Comtrol will be posted to the account folio along with the decimal digits. Previously, the decimal digits were rounded off and posted as whole numbers.

  • When the language associated with a guest profile or reservations in the Reserved or In-House statuses is modified, the updated language is sent from Stay to Comtrol when the modified language is supported by Comtrol.

    • When the modified language is not supported by Comtrol but a default language is configured for the property, the default language is sent.

    • When the modified language is not supported by Comtrol and a default language is not configured for the property, the language is sent as English.

    • When the default language configured for the property is modified, the modified language is not sent to Comtrol.

  • When a key create request is sent from Stay to Comtrol to create keys for a suite room, room numbers of the component rooms will be sent along with the virtual room number. A maximum of 3 component room numbers in ascending order will be sent in the request from Stay.