Extended Stay Occupancy Report

A new Dynamic report, Extended Stay Occupancy, has been added to the Guests/Reservations section of the Reporting screen that allows users to track the guests staying at a property for an extended period.

Users can generate this report for a maximum duration of 999 days for the following report generation parameters:




The date from which reservations in the Arriving, In-House, or Departed statuses must be retrieved. By default, the current property date will be selected. Users can select a date that is a maximum of 365 days in the past from the current property date. Future dates can also be selected.

Length of Stay (Nights) - From

The starting range of length of stay nights for which reservations must be retrieved.

Length of Stay (Nights) - To

The end range of length of stay nights up to which reservations must be retrieved.

Room Type

The room types for which the report must be generated.